Preliminary Adoption Form

Thank you for your desire to adopt a rescue animal. Please understand that filling out this application does not guarantee you will receive an animal and that placement of an animal within your home is at the complete discretion of Always Hope Animal Rescue.
Thank you for considering a rescue.

    Name of the animal(s) if known: Type:
    Gender of animal:MaleFemaleNo preference

    * Full Name:

    Address: Apt/Suite:

    City: State: Zip:

    Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone:


    Email Address:


    Year of birth:Must be over 21 to apply and adopt.

    1. Please tell us what you would consider to be the perfect pet:

    What kind of personality traits are you looking for?

    2. What kind of pet are you looking for? (mark all that apply)
    CompanionFamily petChild's petFriend for other petGiftBarn/Mouser

    3. What activity level are you looking for in a pet? What is your lifestyle?
    High activity (jogging, hiking, agility)Somewhat (long walks, play)Couch potato (short walks, belly rubs)Other Explain:

    4. Please list all animals you currently own:
    Name: Animal: Age: Gender: Spayed/Neutered
    Name: Animal: Age: Gender: Spayed/Neutered
    Name: Animal: Age: Gender: Spayed/Neutered

    Are all animals in the home up-to-date on vaccines, including rabies, heartworm and flea preventative? If no, explain:

    5. Please list all the pets you have owned in the past 10 years that you no longer have:
    Name: Animal: Age: What happened to it?
    Name: Animal: Age: What happened to it?
    Name: Animal: Age: What happened to it?

    6. Current Veterinarian:
    Name of Vet Clinic: Phone #:

    Address: City:

    7. Please describe how you feel about the following?
    Declawing (cat only):


    Regular vaccinations (rabies, distemper):

    Outdoor cats/dogs:


    8. Do you live in a

    9. Do you own your own home or rent?
    If rent, does your landlord or lease allow pets? YesNo (If rent must provide proof at time of adoption)

    10. How many people in household?

    Ages of children under 18:

    11. How do you plan on keeping the animal contained outside (dog only)?
    Fenced in yardUnderground fenceTie out/CableTrainingOther

    12. Is everyone in your household in favor of adopting a pet? YesNo

    13. How much time will your pet be outside each day?
    Less than one hour1-3 hours3-5 hours6+ hours

    14. How much time per day are you able to provide your animal with attention and exercise?
    Less than one hour1-3 hours3-5 hours6+ hours

    15.Where will the animal sleep?

    16. When I am home my pet will be: cratedwhere it wants in the housein yardconfined to room in homein garagein basementother Explain:

    17. When I am not at home my pet will be: cratedwhere it wants in the housein yardconfined to room in homein garagein basementother Explain:

    18. How many hours per day would the animal be left alone?

    19. How do you handle unwanted behavior? (check all that apply)
    YellPut pet outsideObedience trainingClickerRemove the problemHit/spank/swatRedirectReturnPut in cratePut in another roomSquirt bottlePositive reinforcement

    20. How would you handle a cat that is litter box trained but suddenly starts urinating outside the litter box?

    21. What will you do with the animal when you go on vacation?

    22. What would you do with your animal if you had to move?

    23. Pets can live as long as 15-20 years. Select all of the following that may cause you to give up an animal: Birth of a childNew roommateMarriageDivorceBitingSprayingNeeds regular medicineAllergiesNone

    24. What kind of personality traits in a pet are you NOT willing to live with? Select all that apply.
    Excessive barking/meowingAggressiveUnfriendly towards other petsShy, skittish or hidesUrinates outside litter boxJumps on kitchen counters or tablesOther Explain:

    25. Have you ever had to return a pet to a breeder or take one to a pound, shelter or rescue?
    YesNo If yes, please explain:

    26. Pets can cost on average $200 a year for non-emergency bills. Are you prepared for that expense? YesNo

    I have read the foregoing and certify that the answers I have given are complete, true and not misleading in any way. By checking this box I am authorizing Always Hope Animal Rescue permission to contact landlords, associations and veterinarians.

    I accept * Date: